Community Building Workshop for Core Facilities and Science Technology Platforms
The University of Galway are hosting a Community Building Workshop for Core Facilities and Science Technology Platforms (or groups with a focus on technology based science), and the broader ecosystem of people that are involved with them, in Galway on October 9th. This is a free event.
There will be some wonderful invited guests including Saskia Lippens (VIB Ghent), Peter O’Toole (Uni of York), Julia Fernandez Rodriguez (Uni of Gothenburg) and Robbie Sinnott (DCU). There will be discussions on Financial sustainability and cost recovery; Benefits of standard quality systems in one research infrastructure for quality control, benefits of standardised training, staffing in the cores; and the Sustainability of a well-run core.
The day is very much open to academic, industry, corporate and colleagues involved with administration of technologies or technology based cores or facilities.
We hope to use the day to try and better understand the Irish technological landscape and share best practise – Ultimately this will assist us as a National community to better advocate our needs to both funders and policy makers alike.