EMC Report: Julie Marie Bekkevold
Firstly, I wish to thank the Microscopy Society of Ireland for supporting my travel to the 17th European Microscopy Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. The conference was a fantastic experience on all accounts, including both amazing presentations, exciting networking events, and fascinating vendor demos.
For me personally, attending this conference was important to keep my motivation and momentum up as I am entering the last half of my PhD journey. Seeing so much exciting science being discussed between peers reinvigorated my passion for microscopy and fostered new ideas to explore in the future. It has been incredibly inspiring to see both the state-of-the-art innovations from the microscopy vendors, and the most recent scientific advances from research groups and experts across the world.
With talks ranging from cryo-electron microscopy and multi-frame tomography to diffraction characterisation techniques to phase contrast imaging and beam-shaping EMC has been a very diverse meeting. Because of this it was also very well attended by leading researchers in microscopy providing ample opportunities for networking. I am delighted to have been able to present my work to such a diverse audience and receive invaluable feedback that I will take with me back to Dublin as I continue my PhD work.
All in all, I am incredibly grateful for the support from MSI enabling my attendance of EMC 2024. My attendance of EMC has undoubtedly motivated me for continuing my PhD work and also helped me build lasting professional relationships that will support my growth as a researcher for the future.
– Julie Marie Bekkevold
Julie was a successful application of a travel bursary to attend EMC. More information on available bursaries can be found here.