EMC Report: Christopher Evans
As a PostDoc coming towards the end of my contract, August was the perfect opportunity to travel to Denmark for EMC 2024, and present some of my project’s scientific results and technical findings to international peers.
I gave an oral presentation titled: ‘CoCID: Compact Cell Imaging Device for Correlative Investigation of Hepatitis E Infection’ in the ‘Host-pathogen interactions and virology’ session. This theme fully aligned with my outputs and scientific interest: the interface between infectious disease and imaging science.
An abundance of quality science and exciting technologies were presented during my session, further bio-imaging sessions, relaxed poster sessions and vendor booths and demos. Attending these sparked fresh inspiration for present and future work, and outlined the current cutting-edge and future requirements of the field. It was particularly encouraging to see my project’s technique focus, Soft X-ray Microscopy, platformed in a plenary talk on Day 1.
It was great to connect with members of the European microscopy community: academic, technical and company. As someone who would like to continue my microscopy career, it was a ideal chance to get an overview of opportunities within this space.
A massive thanks to the support of MSI’s Travel Award. Without receiving this funding, I would have been unable to attend this dynamic conference, and I would have missed out on exploring such a fantastic city as Copenhagen!
– Christopher Evans
Christopher was a successful application of a travel bursary to attend EMC. More information on available bursaries can be found here.