MSI symposium 2022 hosted in Galway
The annual symposium is an international event that encompasses areas of the life, physical, and instrumental sciences. We host a trade exhibition alongside for a chance to meet vendors and industrial partners.
Student participation in this symposium is highly encouraged. There is a monetary prize for the best student presentations under several categories. Historically, the symposium has provided an excellent forum for young researchers (particularly at postgraduate level) to present their data and findings at a conference. We will continue to foster this very strongly, as PhD students of very disparate backgrounds can engage in scientific debate.
Rory Comerford Memorial Lecture
In dedication to one of our founding members, we host an annual lecture from a distinguished international speaker on any microscopy topic. Hosted on the island of Ireland, the Rory Comerford Memorial Lecture provides an excellent chance to meet and network with local and international microscopists.